
Can You Inherit Bad Teeth?

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DentistYou get a lot from your parents, whether they are physical traits or temperament. The colour of your eyes, skin tone, mannerisms and the way you handle situations are a combination of hereditary and environmental factors.

Strand Dental cites that your teeth are no exception to the genetics you get from your father and mother. Your genes play a role in the shape of your smile, but how you take care of your dental health also plays an important role.

Tooth Enamel

You may be one of the persons who have softer tooth enamel compared to others. Softer enamel makes it easy for food debris to lodge into spaces and for bacteria to penetrate your teeth. Once bacteria complete their excavation, it will lead to cavities that cause tooth decay.

If you already have soft tooth enamel, eating sweets and drinking sodas will erode it faster. Eat fruits and vegetable, and minimise your sugar intake to prevent erosion.

Shape of Teeth

Your diet, behaviour and genetics play a role in whether you develop a mild or severe malocclusion. Malocclusions are abnormalities in the shape and position of your teeth, making it difficult to pronounce certain letters or chew properly. Dental implants or braces are the two most popular treatments of setting your teeth straight if you are suffering from a malocclusion.

Saliva Strength

Potassium and calcium are important elements to keep your teeth strong and healthy to resist tooth cavities and decay. Eating the right food is not enough to get the elements you need; they must metabolize properly to become useful to dental health. Saliva is important to the process of metabolizing certain elements. Scientists have determined gene variants that show certain people are better at it compared to others.

Just because your parents passed on their genes that resulted in your bad teeth, does not mean you are helpless. You have control over what you eat and how you take care of your teeth that will improve your dental health.

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