For Your Inspiration: Creating an Awesome Wedding Mood Board

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a brideOne of the best ways to start the wedding planning is creating a mood board. It is also called the inspiration board, this tool is a visual representation of the style and vibe you want to create in your wedding. It should help you do two things:

  1. Direct your design decisions, making it easier to filter through different options for flower arrangements, table decor, stage design, etc.; and
  2. Communicate your vision to your vendors easily.

A trusted wedding florist in Denver, Colorado shares some steps to making an awesome wedding mood board:

Describe your wedding

Mood boards are all about pictures, but before you snip images at bridal magazines or copy from Pinterest, start with words first. Your keywords will guide you in choosing photos later. As mentioned earlier, your vision board brings out the style and vibe you want to create.

Start describing your wedding in two aspects: what you want to feel during the wedding and how you want it to look like. You may want it to feel intimate and warm, and look vintage at the same time. Maybe you want a cheerful vibe and a colorful look. With these descriptions, it’s easier now to filter through photos.

Consider color and texture

Look at the words again and see which colors and textures you can associate it with. Take the example above: intimate and warm. Given these descriptions, what colors pop into your mind? What materials, fabrics, or plants bring out that intimate, warm vibe.

Your answers to these questions will help you find photos that have that particular color and texture. This is useful when talking with your wedding florist. Experts will find it easier to choose flowers based on the colors and textures you want, matching these with the season at the time of your wedding and the venue.

Look for the key elements

After considering the abstract pieces of your wedding, you can now move to the more concrete aspects of the wedding. Start collecting picture-pegs of the huge ornaments in the event, such as the ceremony arch, table set-up, and vignettes. Include the elements that are present in the event design, such as flower arrangements and linens. Of course, your keywords, and color and texture should still be your guide for this.

Mood boards are the base of your wedding planning decisions. So, sit down with your partner and have fun building your own.

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