How to De-Winterize Your Bass Tracker Boat for Summer Action

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a man driving a boatNow that it’s summer, you could now pull out your bass tracker boat from storage. But boats that hibernate during wintertime are prone to collecting debris and dirt, rust, and all sorts of issues that come with being unused for some time.

So before hauling your fishing gear and sailing away, you need first to make sure that your bass tracker boat is in tiptop condition and properly de-winterized. Here’s how.

Inspect and Thoroughly Clean The Interior and Hull

After removing your bass tracker boat cover, check the hull to ensure that it’s free from dents or cracks. Once you’re done inspecting the hull, get a power washer or hose to clean dirt buildup and then wax your boat’s exterior. Safeguard all vinyl and plastic finishes with a UV protectant and spray WD-40 liberally on metal surfaces and the motor.

Check The Battery

Get a battery tester to ensure that your battery is charged. If it is and it looks fine as you last stored it, check if there’s any corrosion and clean it. If it isn’t charged, charge it overnight to ensure that it’s fully charged before installing it.

Inspect The Engine and Make Repairs As Needed

Examine the spark plugs to see if they’re still fine, otherwise, replace them. Consider keeping a spare in your boat as well as a backup. Check the fuel to ensure that the cold winter weather didn’t crack it. Change your fuel filter as wells to help extend the service life of the motor. Likewise, change the motor oil, check the power steering, antifreeze, and the gear case oil. Inspect exposed fuel parts to ensure that there are no rotting parts.

Check Onboard Safety Equipment

Inspect your life jackets to see if they’re free of tears or holes. Check your first aid kit to see if anything needs replacing, particularly the medicines. Likewise, make sure that your fire extinguisher is working perfectly.

Keep in mind that it’s your responsibility to protect and maintain your bass tracker boat. Otherwise, you risk having things breaking down on you, which could lead to a messy and costly situation than if you’d taken the time to inspect and ensure that everything’s fine in the first place. So follow the de-winterizing tips mentioned above to ensure that your boat is fully prepared for action all summer long.

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