
Local Loco: Tips to Avoid Local SEO Mistakes

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seoDon’t lose yourself in local SEO limbo and just go with whatever flows or comes your way. Your strategy should be able to make your presence relevant to the locality you’re pursuing or expanding to.

Local SEO is making rounds in the digital marketing world, as more businesses are realizing its value. As eager as you are to engage in the rising digital marketing trend, you have to be aware of the mistakes you are likely to commit.

SEO Companies like TrueLogic Online Solutions, Inc. give high regard to the strategy, as it is a clear way to grow your business. Here are some tips to avoid the mistakes other businesses are making:

Strategic NAP Placement

All business owners know the value of consistency when it comes to the presentation of the brand’s details—the name, address and phone number, to be exact.

Do not make the mistake of placing your NAP in every free space on your site or online listings. Overexposing risks getting lower conversion rates, as they would ultimately look like spam.

So instead of bombarding readers with your NAP, make sure you only cite yourself once per citation site.

Create Fresh Content

Many underestimate the value of fresh content, as most would base their pieces on already existing ones online. Since the online world has become content-driven, offering something new to the table will up your brand a few notches higher.

Creating fresh content with valuable information gives your site more chances of gaining inbound links that contribute to your ranking.

Improve Your Domain

Most will focus on external sites that are great supporters for your brand and forget their own. This mistake is a crucial one that many, unfortunately, make.

While using social media and external sites to build your reputation is a great strategy, not updating your site risks losing visits and CTR. People who visit your site through a link from an external source will be of no use if you do not look legit enough.

Local SEO is an important part of your marketing strategy. Use the best strategies to your advantage and be wary of the common mistakes that others make.

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