
Three Essential Pointers To Help Your Child Avoid Losing Their Jackets in School

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JacketsYour son or daughter has lost their jacket in school again, and it was an expensive sports jacket too. Be open to how upset you are but don’t play the blame game. Instead, follow these pointers to help your child out with their losses.

Show Them How Important It Is

How much you spend on an item isn’t really that important to a child as it is to you and making them understand can take too much effort on your part. It would be good to tell your child the special features their jacket has and how “cooler” it is than other kids’ jackets. This way, reasons Pedigree Ski Shop, the child can treasure the merits of their Obermeyer kids’ jacket and care for it more.

Put in Identifiers

Cloth labels, sewn-in monograms, or even writing their names with a permanent marker makes it easier for you or your child to find the item when it’s lost. The lost and found department of every school can also find the item faster if it is indeed with them. And having permanent identifiers can discourage thieves too.

Relax At Home

No matter how much “fun” their lessons are, the volume of subjects, activities and work they do within one week of school can be tiring and stressful. When they lose their stuff, it’s mostly because they have so much on their minds. Let them have a break during the week. You can get them their favorite take-out for a comfort food binge, or allow them to have their friends over every now and then. Best option, spend time with them and talk. Parents should be the best de-stressors a kid can have.

Most likely your child is feeling bad about every loss he has suffered, even more than you at times. You are not trying to encourage them to lose their stuff if you become sympathetic of their losses, and punishing them for losing something they own wouldn’t be fair. Focus on trying to help them solve their lost-and-found problems instead and they will be forever thankful for having such a loving parent.

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