Urgent, Do Not Decay: How to Keep Your Dying Tooth Alive

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Dental checkupIs there life in death…of a tooth?

The number of children suffering from tooth decay is rapidly increasing, especially in Colorado—where it is called a silent epidemic. Over 3,000 kids visited Children’s Hospital Colorado alone to undergo dental surgery in the past year, that is almost a total of $40 million every year, for just one hospital.

Of course, there are different factors for this alarming number, like poverty, ignorance, and plain neglect. But if you are reading this, then those factors would only be excuses for you.

While fighting tooth decay may seem like a losing battle, one should not abandon all hope. Yes, even when decay is exactly like decomposition, which will eventually lead to death.

There are preventive measures that you can take to keep a dying tooth alive, aside from seeing a reliable and quality endodontist—Highlands Ranch being home to Colorado’s trusted dentists—and getting a root canal.

Fluoride Use

Your toothpaste contributes a great deal to your teeth’s health, even more so if you want to save it from decaying. Fluoride works for your teeth’s protection. Its components can reverse and even stop early tooth decay. It can also replace your teeth’s lost minerals, and reduce the acid-making abilities of bacteria.

Dental Sealants

Sealants are a great way to prevent tooth decay, especially in molars and back teeth. They are the ones prone to tooth decay as they have rocky chewing surfaces where food and bacteria easily get stuck, and toothbrushes’ bristles have a hard time getting rid of them. Sealants smoothen out this surface and limits the area where they can be stuck in.

Regular Check-Ups

Nothing will beat a regular visit to the dentist in preventing tooth decay. Other than getting a thorough cleaning from them, they can also tell you which tooth is prone to decay and they can advise you on even better ways to avoid it altogether.

So if you are experiencing pain to extreme temperatures, biting, swelling, and gum sensitivity, these may be early signs of tooth decay. Identifying the early onset can save you a lot of pain and money.

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