Water Tank

Complying with Storage Tank Regulations

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Water TankBefore you haul a steel tank for liquid storage and hammer it into place in your backyard, make sure you know what you are getting into. Installing and maintaining above ground storage tanks(ASTs)are not as simple as it seems.

There are State and Federal requirements to follow

Whether you plan to store rainwater, oil, petroleum products, or potentially hazardous materials, you must comply with regulations. This type of storage tanks are covered by regulations under “bulk storage container.” These are containers placed above the ground with a capacity of 55 gallons or greater. Submit the necessary documents and do not risk being fined by not reporting your AST. Make sure that you comply with local council requirements as well.

Risks and dangers associated with ASTs

Aboveground storage tanks are regulated because of the risk they pose to the environment, communities, and animal populations. If there are construction or installation issues, the existing insufficiency may lead to structural breakdown and release of the contents into the environment. Leakage of potentially hazardous substances can result in pollution of the soil and bodies of water in the vicinity. The worst case scenario is contamination of groundwater stores, which may compromise the supply of potable water in the area. Leaks usually occur during transfers of the contained liquid, and while the container is being filled up.

Available services in your area

Manufacturers of high performance storage tanks, such as Heartland Tank Services, offer quality engineering of liquid storage systems, as well as customization options. Outstanding storage solutions are available for affordable rates so you do not have to face the consequences of a leak due to poor product quality.

When you are ready to procure a storage tank for above ground installation, make sure that the manufacturer is aware of the climatic and environmental conditions in your region. This will help them choose additional fortifications and make design modifications, when needed. Learn about local, state, and federal regulations and comply.

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