Don’t Let Pests Invade Your Home in 3 Ways

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MousePests such as rats, mice, and cockroaches do more than just damage your home and ruin your purse. They also carry infectious diseases that can harm you and your family’s health. This only makes it important to do everything you can to prevent them from entering your home. This starts with cleaning your abode and making sure that they stay outside where they belong.

Residential pest control experts in Bayamón share a few helpful tips:

Deal with Gaps and Cracks

Seal any gap in the exterior doors. Don’t forget to make sure that they’re completely closed after entry or exit. You should also do the same for the gaps in your window frames and ensure that all of your windows have screens that are free of tears, holes, or any other damage. You should, furthermore, store outdoor waste bins away from your abode and keep lids securely closed.

Don’t Provide Water and Food Source

This means cutting off all means of water and food sources — eliminating all possible sources, especially at a time when rodents and other pests are most active:

  • Fix leaky faucets and clogged drains as soon as possible.
  • Clean up food spills immediately.
  • Clean and dry mops after use.
  • Keep your sink and the surrounding areas clean and dry.
  • Store food in airtight containers.
  • Clean kitchen appliance and wipe down countertops.
  • Rinse food containers before disposing of.

Make Your Home Unwelcoming for Pests

Be sure to check your pantry and cabinets for holes, especially in walls in food packaging. If you see pest or rodent droppings, it’s likely the place where they’re congregating while you’re asleep. Make sure that you remove loose droppings and use hot soapy water in wiping the surface down. Don’t forget to remove garbage at least once a week and keep trash areas dry and clean.

If there’s already an existing pest infestation in your home, don’t hesitate to call pest control experts. This is more cost-effective than trying to figure out how you can deal with the infestation on your own.

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