Something Worth Knowing: EEOICPA Inclusions and Limitations

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Health Care ProviderAny kind of job has its own health risks. For workers regularly exposed to nuclear substances, health risks are taken to a higher level. The formation of the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act (EEOICPA) compensates workers who have succumbed to diseases due to the nature of their work. A number of health care providers are participants of the EEOICPA

EEOICPA Claim Inclusions

Inclusions in compensation and services depend on which type of claim one applied for, and which one/s is/are approved. Generally, however, an employee or surviving members are entitled to a lump sum of $150,000-$250,000. The amount varies depending on which part of EEOICPA the claim falls under. Aside from monetary compensation, an affected worker is also entitled to medical benefits such as prescription drugs, doctor’s fees, medical travel, medical supplies and equipment, home health care, hospice care, and transplants. Various treatments and specialized medical procedures are also included.

However, applying for a claim is not enough. For you to enjoy these services, the Department of Labor should approve your claim and accept the type of diseases you are claiming compensation for. 

EEOICPA Claim Limits

Despite the wide range of inclusions, there are limits to EEOICPA. Some of the most common limitations worth noting are the definition of accepted illness and the time factor. A person can claim reimbursements for the treatment of thyroid cancer that was caused by too much exposure to radiation; however, maintenance medicine for high blood pressure is not included in the claim, as it is not part of the illness approved and accepted by the DOL.

Expenses made AFTER the filing of the claim but BEFORE its approval can be reimbursed. However, expenses made before the FILING of the claim are not covered. Reimbursement for travel costs are time sensitive and should be clarified with the DOL.

Claiming EEOICPA can be tricky, so you need a thorough research. However, enjoying its benefits and services for all the work and sacrifice you have done for the country is a right that you should claim, despite the technicalities and paperwork.

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