These Three Things Contribute to Indoor Heat

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Man cooling himself with two cold water bottlesEver wondered why there's a significant difference between the indoor and outdoor temperature in your home? You might be treated to cooler weather now in Australia, but as soon as you step inside your home, the warmth turns to humidity, and you still feel uncomfortable. These three factors may be contributing to the temperature difference: 

Blinds Not Used Properly 

You may have blinds and sunscreen using aluminium, but if you're not turning them properly, they will not be able to help you retain heat or keep excessive heat out. You should keep the blinds closed in areas where direct sunlight hits them, to keep all that unnecessary heat out. You also don't want the UV rays that direct sunlight can deposit inside your home, as this will fade your furniture and cause skin problems in the long run. 

You Use Artificial Light 

When you use artificial light in the middle of the day, the emitted heat adds to the warmth you feel indoors. It's one reason you keep having to adjust your AC settings, to keep the indoor and outdoor temperatures within 7 degrees of each other, which is the ideal setting. If you have glass windows that can allow in some light, take advantage of them and keep those artificial lights off. Just make sure your windows are coated with a treatment that prevents UV rays from getting in, too. 

Your Home Is Not Insulated Properly 

Australian homes need proper insulation because the weather can get pretty cold or pretty hot depending on the season. Insulation helps you retain heat during cold weather. You might also want to consider a different roofing colour, to reflect or absorb a little more heat than usual. 

It may be cold outside, but that doesn't mean your indoor temperature is as comfortable. Check these factors and make sure they are not causing unnecessarily high temperatures indoors. 

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