Celebrate Easter with Kids

Thoughtful Ways to Celebrate Easter with Kids

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Celebrate Easter with KidsEaster is an important Christian celebration that calls us to look at our lives and the direction our life is going in. It is one of the most well attended Sunday services of the year for most Christian churches, and most people celebrate the occasion with an egg hunt, community services, or Easter basket filling.

While most Easter celebrations today involve colorful treats and springtime fun, you can still approach it in a more thoughtful way. Here are some suggestions to make it more meaningful and do things for the greater good in His honor:

Family Service Project

Search for special Easter church services in your community. Many Sunday services today focus on helping others or giving support to the homeless. Others focus on organizing a variety hour or trips for the elderly. Humanity projects like these are a great way to celebrate Easter.

Meaningful Easter Basket

Make Easter baskets for the kids extra special by filling them with more than just candies and chocolates. Throw in things like devotional or inspirational books for children. Illustrated and colorful versions are a good choice, as they more engaging to read. You can also read Easter stories to your kids to help them understand the true meaning of the celebration.

Seed Planting

Encourage younger children to plant seeds and use it as an opportunity to segue into telling the story of His resurrection. Burying tiny seeds in the ground can grow into something, beautiful, vibrant, and alive. You can plant eggplant seeds that start to develop like hen’s eggs, and matures into different colors.

These suggestions are not meant to replace traditional Easter activities. They aim to help families think about how Easter is celebrated and what it all means. Easter marks the start of springtime fun, and it is an opportunity to celebrate His life and the wonderful things He made possible for us.

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